
来源 :中国京剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mulang608
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京剧名城临清市林川山东临清,历史悠久,人杰地灵,民族文化源远流长。据史料记载,自公元前五世纪吴王夫差开凿运河(邗沟)始,临清已初具规模,是元明时期南运河上的一颗明珠。清八旗子弟持龙票首演天津,然后泛舟沿京杭大运河南下,至临清,在舍利宝塔前搭台,同临清... Peking Opera Linqing Linqing Linqing city has a long history, outstanding people, long history of national culture. According to historical records, since the fifth century BC, King Wu difference to dig the canal (Gou ditch) began, Linqing has begun to take shape, is a pearl on the Grand Canal during Yuan and Ming dynasties. Qingbaiqi’s younger brother holds a long ticket premiere of Tianjin, and then boating along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal south to Linqing, before the relic pagoda set up the stage, with Linqing ...