【美国《核子周刊》 1998年 5月 14日报道】 法国原子能委员会 (CEA)上周宣布更换保护第二钠回路的安全膜将会使 2 5 0MW凤凰堆的重新启动推迟一到两周。反应堆自 1995年 4月关闭 ,经批准于 5月 9日重新起动 ,预计于 5月 13日达到临界。但是在 4月 2 3日的设计用来保护防止蒸
[Nuclear Weekly Report, May 14, 1998] The French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) announced last week that the replacement of the safety membrane for the protection of the second sodium circuit will delay the restart of the 250 MW Phoenix Reactor for one to two weeks. The reactor was closed in April 1995 and was approved to restart on May 9. It is expected to reach criticality on May 13. However, it was designed to protect against steaming on April 23rd.