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艰苦奋斗精神是我们党和军队在长期革命斗争和建设实践中形成的优良传统,新时期发扬艰苦奋斗精神具有现实意义:是实现民族复兴的动力保障,是净化政治生态的有力武器,是我军履行使命的重要保证。艰苦奋斗精神的时代内涵:开拓进取的精神风貌,勤勉敬业的工作态度,节俭朴素的生活方式,廉洁从政的自我修养。新时期发扬艰苦奋斗精神要处理好四个关系:艰苦奋斗与改善生活的关系,厉行节约与扩大内需的关系,埋头苦干与改革创新的关系,不怕艰苦与拼搏奋进的关系。 The hard-working spirit is an excellent tradition formed by our party and army in the long-term revolutionary struggle and construction practice. Carrying forward the spirit of hard work and struggle in the new era is of practical significance. It is an impetus to the realization of national rejuvenation, a powerful weapon for purifying political ecology, An important guarantee for carrying out our mission. The era of hard-working spirit of the connotation: pioneering and enterprising spirit, diligent and dedicated work attitude, simple and thrifty way of life, self-cultivation clean and honest politics. In the new period, it is necessary to handle the four relations in carrying forward the spirit of hard work and struggle: the relationship between hard work and improvement of life, the relationship between saving and expanding domestic demand, the relationship between hard work and reform and innovation, and the relationship between hard work and hard work.