中宣部副部长、国家广电总局局长徐光春2001年3月7日在参加九届全国人大四次会议香港代表团全体会议时表示 ,内地与香港应该在广电技术和节目领域开展多层次的合作。徐光春欢迎港商与内地合作开发有线电视网络并提供更多品种的增值服务。他说 ,中国将在未来五年以更快的?
Xu Guangchun, Vice Minister of the Central Propaganda Department and Director General of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, said in a plenary meeting of the Hong Kong delegation to the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress on March 7, 2001 that the Mainland and Hong Kong should conduct multi-level cooperation in radio and television technologies and programs . Xu Guangchun welcomes the cooperation between Hong Kong businessmen and the Mainland in developing cable television networks and providing more varieties of value-added services. He said that China will be faster in the next five years?