A Soil Conservation Research Program (SCRP) has been on-going in Anjeni Watershed, Amhara Region, Ethiopia since the 1980s, focussing particularly on soil-based, graded fanya juu terraces. This study was carried out to examine the long-term impacts of these soil and water conservation measures in improving ecosystem services. A comparative analysis was made with a non-treated 100 ha adjacent watershed (Zikrie). The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was used in a geographic infor-mation system (GIS) to quantify soil loss. Representative soil samples were taken 30 cm deep soil pits in the loss and deposition zones in the terraced Anjeni and topo-sequential soil samples on both water-sheds. Laboratory analysis was carried out at the National Soil Testing Laboratory (NSTL) of Ethiopia. Soil texture, pH and OC were analyzed for the 91 soil samples. A GIS analysis of the RUSLE factors was made on a 5 m grid cell basis. The mean annual soil loss rate in Anjeni was estimated to be 37 t ha-1 yr-1, while that of the adjacent non-conserved Zikrie was 45 t ha-1 yr-1. The total estimated soil loss in Anjeni watershed was 4214 t yr-1. River valleys in the Anjeni watershed had the maximum mean annual esti-mated soil loss hazard (86 t ha-1 yr-1). Cultivated land had medium mean annual estimated soil loss (44 t ha-1 yr-1) due to the soil conservation works. Supporting the soil-based graded fanya juu terraces with biological soil conservation measures is important for the stability of the ecosystem.