
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangpin
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2011年,山东省石油和化学工业(简称“石化行业”)经济运行总体保持良好态势,实现了“十二五”时期的良好开局。全年累计完成现价工业总产值19419.9亿元,比上年增长33.5%,占全国石油和化学工业总产值的17.2%;累计实现主营业务收入19464.5亿元、利税2646.9亿元、利润1449.9亿元,同比分别增长34%、32.7%和34.9%。根据国内外经济形势及相关行业影响分析判断,2012年山东省石化行业总体上仍将继续保持平稳较快增长,但增速会有所放缓。预期目标是:全行业实现主营业务收入22400亿元,同比增长15%;实现利税3000亿元、利润1600亿元,同比分别增长15%和12%。石化行业发展的质量和效益进一步提高。 In 2011, the overall economic operation of Shandong Petroleum and Chemical Industry (“Petrochemical Industry”) maintained a good momentum and achieved a good start in the “12th Five-Year Plan” period. The total industrial output value of the current year totaled 19.4199 trillion yuan, an increase of 33.5% over the previous year and accounting for 17.2% of the total output value of the country’s oil and chemical industry. The accumulated income from principal operations was 1.94645 trillion yuan, profits and taxes of 264.69 billion yuan, and profits of 149.99 billion yuan Up 34%, 32.7% and 34.9% respectively over the same period of last year. According to the analysis of the economic situation at home and abroad and the impact of relevant industries, the petrochemical industry in Shandong Province will continue to maintain steady and rapid growth in 2012, but the growth rate will slow down. The expected target is: The main business income of the whole industry reached 2.24 trillion yuan, up 15% over the same period of last year; profits and taxes of 300 billion yuan and profits of 160 billion yuan, up 15% and 12% respectively over the same period of last year. The quality and efficiency of the development of petrochemical industry to further improve.
运用文献计量学方法 ,对 1 994~ 1 998年度《武汉水利电力大学学报》(自然科学版 )全部论文的引文量、引文语种、类型分布、期刊自引率以及年代分布等进行了统计与分析 . By
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李××,女,68岁,因家事争吵后服安定220片(含量:2.5mg/片),于服药后25h许就诊。入院查:P100次/minR36次/min BP8/kPa深昏迷状,痰诞壅盛,呼吸浅快,感觉反射及瞬目反射均消失
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