序幕演员化妆室。室内看不见任何摆设——只有对着镜子的演员的面孔,化妆师的手,必需的化妆用品:剪刀、梳子、油彩,发套……隐约可闻的对话:——也许,胡子短一点? ,——颧骨再厚实点,需要突出它。——还是用一百零六号油彩,去掉点红颜色……三个年龄分别为三十岁,四十岁和七十岁的演员都朝着镜子端详自己的面容,不动声色,聚精会神。糟杂声远去了,一片宁静。突然间,一阵钟声的交响犹如汹涌而来的潮水打破了宁静,这阵波涛般的奏鸣声来自形形色色的钟表——从克里姆林宫的大钟到袖珍小闹钟,一切计算着正在消逝的十九世纪最后时刻的钟表,都参与了这个钟声大合唱。在屏幕上出现照片的万花筒:光怪陆离的广告,
Prologue actor dressing room. Interior can not see any furnishings - only the faces of the actors facing the mirror, make-up artist’s hand, the necessary cosmetics: scissors, combs, oil, hair sets ... vaguely audible dialogue: - perhaps, beard shorter? - Cheekbones and then thick point, need to highlight it. - Or use a hundred and six colors, remove the red color ... ... three were aged 30, 40 and 70-year-old actor looked toward the mirror face, calm, attentive. The noise goes away, a quiet. Suddenly, a bell of symphonies was like the tide of turbulence breaking the tranquility, and the waves of sonorous sounds came from all sorts of timepieces - from the Kremlin’s clock to the pocket-sized alarm clock, all counting the ten The clocks of the last moments of the ninth century took part in this chorus of chimes. Appear on the screen photo kaleidoscope: bizarre ads,