Do’s And Don’ts In Turkey

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  If you’re only travelling to major tourist centres such as Istanbul, many of these rules might seem not true to you, but it is always wiser to show more respect for customs than too little. Most Turkish people will very much appreciate your effort and polite manners, so don’t worry if you still feel like you can’t behave perfectly. Turkish people are very kind.
  When visiting a mosque
  Do remove your shoes before going inside a mosque. Women must cover hair and dress. Men should not wear shorts.
  Don’t talk loudly because it’s a place of worship. Try to avoid visiting a mosque on a Friday since it is a day of prayer.
  Don’t walk directly in front of someone who’s praying.
  When travelling during Ramadan
  Do be careful that it might be difficult to find food during the day in far away places.
  Don’t offer people food, drink or even a smoke during the day. The month of Ramadan is the Islamic month of fasting. Show some politeness while eating in public during the day.
  When interacting with Turks
  Do learn gestures of the head for “yes” and “no”, which can be very confusing. “Yes” is a downward nod of the head and “no”is an upward nod of the head while raising eyebrows and clicking the tongue. Shaking your head might not be understood as “no”. Try to learn the Turkish words evet (yes) and hayir (no).
  Do be polite. Turkish customs place great emphasis on manners and politeness. It might come in handy to memorize some phrases or at least the words tesekkür ederim (thank you), lütfen (please) and pardon (excuse me).
  Don’t make the “OK” sign with your thumb and forefinger. It’s considered rude in Turkey.
  When eating in a restaurant
  Do be aware that smoking while eating is common and you shouldn’t ask others to stop.
  Don’t blow your nose or pick your teeth while sitting in a restaurant, cafe or bar. Turkish people find this very impolite.
  When invited to someone’s home
  Do take off your shoes before entering a home. And it’s wise to bring a gift.
  Do finish your plate. If you leave food on your plate, it is seen as a sign that you didn’t like the dish.
  Don’t show the bottom of your feet to anyone when sitting down.
  mosque n. 清真寺
  Ramadan n. 斋月
  fast v. 斋戒
  (What other do’s and don’ts do you know about Turkey?)
杨宪益(1915~2009),出生于天津。1934年到英国牛津大学莫顿学院研究古希腊罗马文学,认识了后来与他相依相伴数十年的妻子,英国传教士的女儿戴乃迭。1940年,杨宪益夫妇回国。解放后,杨宪益调任北京外文出版社翻译专家,与夫人戴乃迭一起献身中国的翻译事业,翻译作品遍及中国古典文学、现代文学、当代文学等各个门类,共计近千万字,被誉为“翻译了整个中国的人”。  北京的后海这个季节游人如织。人称“胡
在印度南部德里的山林中有一只猴子,无意间看到一只奄奄一息的流浪狗,于是就把它抱回自己的地盘,精心呵护,像对待自己的孩子一样。在食物不多的情况下,猴子宁可饿着肚子,也要把食物留给小狗吃。有时,猴子大老远摘得一串葡萄,会让小狗依在自己的怀里,用左前肢托住小狗的前腿,右前肢抓着葡萄一点点喂给小狗。  为了逗小狗开心,猴子经常领着小狗在丛林里上窜下跳,做各种体能训练;小狗身上脏了,猴子会带小狗到小溪边,把