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1984年,在美国洛杉矶举行的第23届奥林匹克艺术节上,一位来自中国的演员用华夏最古老的乐器——埙,演奏了一曲《楚歌》。那天籁般的声音仿佛来自岁月深处,具有厚重历史感的旋律深深打动了每一位听众的心。这位演奏埙的人就是原中央民族乐团国家一级演员杜次文。 In 1984, at the 23rd Olympic Arts Festival in Los Angeles, USA, an actor from China performed a song “Chu Song” with the oldest instrument in China. That sounds like the sounds of nature come from years deep, with a heavy sense of history deeply touched the hearts of every listener. The man playing 埙 is the former Central China National Orchestra actor Du Ci-wen.