近年来,利用偏振技术的瞬时测相干涉仪已成为传统测相干涉仪的替代物,后者需要0.5~60秒的探测时间和移动部件。该方面的基本工作原理和未来发展最近已由GCA公司R.Smythe和R.Moore所报导。利用模拟数字转换电路和Motorola 68000微处理机,使分辨率从λ/8增加到λ/2000。利
In recent years, the instantaneous phase-measuring interferometer using polarization technology has become an alternative to conventional phase-measuring interferometers that require 0.5 to 60 seconds of detection time and moving parts. The basic working principles and future developments in this area have recently been reported by R. Smith and R. Moore at GCA. Using analog to digital conversion circuitry and Motorola 68000 microprocessors, the resolution is increased from λ / 8 to λ / 2000. Lee