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清代随着闻鼻烟风习的盛行,鼻烟壶的材质、款式日益增多,制作也渐趋精致。最初它由玻璃制成,玻璃胎而以珐琅彩绘画则是这一工艺品种中的佼佼者。记得嘉德’97秋季拍卖会上,一件罕见的北宋钧窑盆托,仅以231万元落槌,而今春天津文物展销会上,只48毫米高的小小鼻烟壶,却创下242万元的“天价”。这件鼻烟壶的竞买成功,看来与组织者在展销会前所采取的一些措施不无关系。 河南洛阳在历史上曾为六朝古都。北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳以后,一些发愿人为亡人或生者祈福,在龙门山营造石窟、雕凿佛像,有的造像还刻有“造像记”,由此使龙门石窟留下三千多块碑碣题记。清代中叶以后,提倡北碑书法,自黄易首次收拓龙门造像题记始,相继有诸品拓本问世。宫大中等撰写的文章,不仅使人了解龙门北魏诸品的演变,从中也揭示了魏碑书体的历史渊源。 近年来国际上关于凡高作品的真伪,也炒得沸沸扬扬,各持一说,弄得人无所适从。为此,去年法国卢浮尔宫国家博物馆联合法国奥赛博物馆和美国纽约大都会博物馆、荷兰阿姆斯特丹凡高博物馆举办《从塞尚到凡高:加歇医生藏画展》,先后在巴黎、纽约和阿姆斯特丹举行巡回展出。《凡高晚期作品的真伪》根据《美国艺术》去年12月号阿鲁那·德索查的《带有偶然性的收藏家:加歇医生的一张肖像画》编译。 With the prevalence of snuff smoking habits in the Qing Dynasty, the materials and style of snuff bottles are increasing day by day, and the production is gradually becoming more sophisticated. Originally it was made of glass, glass and enamel paint is the leader in this craft variety. I remember the Guardian ’97 autumn auction, a rare Song Jun kiln basin care, only 2.31 million drop hammer, but this spring Tianjin cultural relics trade fair, only 48 mm high snuff bottle, but hit a 242 million “High price.” The snuff bottle bidding success, it seems with the organizers in the trade show before taking some measures are not unrelated. Luoyang, Henan Province in history as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. After Emperor Xiaowen moved to Luoyang in the Northern Wei Dynasty, some vowers prayed for the dead or alive, built caves in the Longmen Mountains, carved Buddhist statues, and some statues engraved with “statues of the statues”, thus leaving over 3,000 tablets of the Longmen Grottoes Inscription. Since the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the calligraphy of the North Monument was promoted. Since the first introduction of the iconography of the gantry, Huang Yi has been earnestly started. The articles written by Gong Dazhong and others not only make people understand the evolution of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but also reveal the historical origins of Wei’s inscriptions. In recent years, the authenticity of Van Gogh’s works in the world has also been aroused and heated discussions. To this end, France’s Louvre National Museum last year, the French Orsay Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the United States, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Van Gogh Museum held “from Cezanne to Van Gogh: Dr. Gatch University paintings,” in Paris, New York and Amsterdam Tour exhibition. “The Authenticity of Late Van Gogh” was compiled on the basis of “A Portraiture by Accidental Collector: Dr. Gatché” by Aluna De Sousa in December last year by American Art.
这是艺术语言的突破,一种行为艺术?还是一种败坏了《收租院》声誉的侵权行为?……由此引发一个新课题:“行为艺术”的复制与法律意义上的侵权的界限在哪里? Is this a break
本刊讯  2 0 0 2年 10月 15日下午 ,我院新一届学报编委会在才林楼第二会议室举行首次会议 ,着重研讨如何提高我院学报质量的对策。学报编委会主任、主编薛军力院长主持会议
作为结构主义文学理论家,托多洛夫对文学观念的再造、对文学叙述的分析和文学真理的描述都是极具价值的理论创造和批评实践,产生了世界性的影响。 As a structuralist literar