There are a lot of problems in the Qin Dynasty singing face, which is an undeniable fact. It is generally believed that due to the lack of scientific methods of voice, I think this is only one aspect of the problem. In addition, the most crucial thing is that the face of the performer must first have a “net corner” should have the “voice quality.” What is the voice quality net corner? In a nutshell, is to have a wide range, volume, Tone thick, sound tough “throat”, singing in the song can give all-powerful, Tigers tiger mountains and the power of the feeling. This rich, resonant sound intensity, volume, sound quality, not just “scientific method of sounding” can be achieved, to a large extent, based on the actor’s own unique natural voice conditions. Of course, we are not emphasizing the importance of “scientific talent” in a one-sided manner. However, as a drama actor, having the voice of the ICBC should be the minimum condition; otherwise, he will not be able to correct this Business “should work”, reluctantly, earn strong, it is difficult to produce good results.