目的:研究不孕女性自然周期与控制性超促排卵(COH)周期子宫内膜蠕动波的特点。方法:64名排卵正常的不孕女性分别于自然周期LH峰日、排卵日、排卵后2 d和COH周期hCG注射后1 d、采卵日、采卵后2 d阴道超声监测子宫内膜蠕动波,且同时测定血清雌、孕激素水平。结果:自然周期子宫内膜蠕动波频率是COH周期的1.31倍;COH周期与自然周期各个观测日的子宫内膜蠕动波类型分布不同;子宫内膜蠕动波频率与生理水平血清雌二醇(E2)呈正相关,与孕酮(P)呈负相关,与超生理剂量的雌、孕激素无相关性。结论:COH治疗显著地改变了子宫内膜蠕动波的自然运动模式,在胚胎移植前仍表现为较强烈的子宫内膜运动。
Objective: To study the characteristics of spontaneous ovulation (COH) cycles and endometrial peristalsis in infertile women. Methods: Sixty-four infertile women with normal ovulation were observed on day 1 of LH peak, ovulation day, 2 days after ovulation and COH cycle 1 d, ovulation day 2 days after ovulation, and endometrial peristalsis Wave, and the determination of serum estrogen and progesterone levels. Results: The natural period of endometrial peristaltic wave frequency was 1.31 times of that of COH cycle. The distribution of peristalsis wave pattern was different between COH cycle and natural observation period. The frequency of endometrial peristaltic wave and physiological level of serum E2 ), But negatively correlated with progesterone (P), but not with the dosage of estrogen and progesterone. CONCLUSIONS: COH treatment significantly altered the natural motility pattern of endometrial peristalsis and remained more intense endometrial motility before embryo transfer.