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采用三维MIDAS/GTS软件,考虑建筑物-土体-隧道共同作用,模拟了双圆盾构隧道垂直穿越墙下筏基砌体结构建筑物的工况,研究隧道施工引起的建筑物附加沉降及荷载,考虑隧道水平位置及墙体层数改变的影响。分析结果表明:随着双圆盾构机穿越建筑物,建筑物的沉降量逐渐增大,完全通过以后建筑物沉降趋于稳定并略有回弹;沿隧道掘进方向的建筑物产生短期不均匀沉降,先从零逐渐增大,随后逐渐减小并趋于零;构件第一主应力最大值σ1和墙体最大剪应变均逐渐增大并趋于稳定。随着隧道轴线与建筑物轴线水平距离从零开始增大,建筑物呈现向隧道一侧倾倒的趋势,基础局部倾斜先增大、后减小;在一定范围内,σ1最大值和最大剪应变基本保持不变,超出后逐渐减小,并接近初始值。随着建筑物层数的增加,墙体最大剪应变呈线性增长,对建筑物造成轻微的损害。 Using 3D MIDAS / GTS software, taking into account the interaction of building-soil-tunnel, we simulate the working condition of double-doubly-shield tunnel vertically across the raft-masonry structure, and study the additional settlement of the building caused by the tunnel construction. Load, taking into account the horizontal position of the tunnel wall and the impact of changes in the number of layers. The analysis results show that with the penetration of buildings, the settlement of buildings gradually increases and the settlements of buildings after passing through completely stabilize and rebound slightly. The buildings along the tunneling direction have short-term uneven The settlement firstly increases from zero gradually and then decreases gradually and approaches zero. The maximum principal stress σ1 and the maximum shear strain of the wall both increase gradually and stabilize. As the horizontal distance between the tunnel axis and the building axis increases from zero, the building tends to dump on the side of the tunnel, and the local tilt of the foundation first increases and then decreases. Within a certain range, the maximum value of σ1 and the maximum shear strain Basically unchanged, beyond gradually decreased, and close to the initial value. As the number of building layers increases, the maximum wall strain increases linearly, causing minor damage to the building.
象山县丹城镇位于东海之滨、象山半岛中北部,是全县政治、经济、文教和陆上交通中心。丹城历史悠久,史称“蓬莱古城”。丹山井、淳熙井、西寺、洲仙寨、塔山文化遗址及革 L
室内质量控制(如internal guality conteol IQC):由实验室工作人员采取一定的方法和步骤[1],连续评价本实验室工作的可靠性程度,在监测和控制本室常规工作的精密度,提高本室