
来源 :师范教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Cgsking
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一个学生给教师写了一张小字报,指控这个教师“利用讲台,宣扬色情”。一了解,才知道是因为这个教师讲了《孔雀东南飞》和《陌上桑》两篇课文。于是对这个学生众议沸然:有的说他违反宪法,应予纪律处分,有的说他无端攻击教师,起码也得当众检讨等等。然而,这个教师心想:学生没能从思想意义上认识作品的价值,说明欣赏水平还很低;小字报虽然方式不对,用语也欠妥,但也说明自己教学中有薄弱环节。于是,他向全班学生讲了“如何欣赏文学作品”这个问题,又找到那个学生谈心。结果,这次“冲突”以 A student wrote to the teacher a small poster alleging that the teacher “used the podium to promote pornography.” An understanding, I realized that because of this teacher talked about “Peacocks fly” and “mulberry Sang” two texts. So there was a lot of publicity about this student: some said he was unconstitutional and should be disciplined. Some said he attacked teachers unprovokedly and at least he had to conduct public reviews. However, the teacher thought: The students failed to recognize the value of the works in terms of their ideology, indicating that the level of appreciation is still very low. Although they are not in the correct way and their terms are not correct, they also show that they have weak links in teaching. So, he told the class about “how to appreciate literary works,” the problem, but also to find that student talk. As a result, this “conflict” comes