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小学语文教学是一个很难做的实践活动。语文知识浩繁,学生的学习阅历薄弱,教师在这个中间是很难把握的。那么,怎样才能掌握好教学的难易度,怎样才能把握好教材的延伸和拓展,这都是教师教学水准的体现。一、激发兴趣是先锋官有了兴趣的学习才是享受,否则就是痛苦的。所以对于小学生的任何学习都应该从激发兴趣入手,尤其是语文教学。学生对语文教学产生了兴趣,就很容易提高学习效果。激发学生的兴趣有几条途径,一条是将故事引入教学中,在课前、教学中、教学后引入故 Primary language teaching is a difficult practice. Extensive knowledge of the language, students’ learning experience is weak, the teacher in the middle is very difficult to grasp. So, how to master the difficulty of teaching, how to grasp the extension and development of teaching materials, which are the embodiment of the teaching quality of teachers. First, to stimulate interest is pioneer officer has an interest in learning is to enjoy, otherwise it is painful. Therefore, any learning for primary school students should start by stimulating interest, especially in language teaching. Students have an interest in teaching Chinese, it is easy to improve the learning effect. There are several ways to stimulate students’ interest, one is to introduce the story into the teaching, before the class, teaching, after the introduction of teaching