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影视作品中的声音由三种元素(音响、音乐言语)构成,这三种元素的不同排列组合及其形成的不同声音表现直接影响影视作品的表现力。音乐是其中最富特色的元素,有着不可替代的抒情表意的作用。而作为时间的艺术,音乐的表现规律及其艺术的可能性,更要放到声音的系统和视听结合的时段中去分析研究。一、音乐与音响、言语在视听段落中的关系音响、音乐、言语同为声音元素,但三者却各 The sound in film and television works consists of three elements (sound and music), and the different permutations and combinations of the three elements and the different sound performances formed by them directly affect the expressiveness of the film and television works. Music is one of the most distinctive elements, with irreplaceable lyrical meaning. As the art of time, the performance of music and the possibility of its art, but also to the sound system and audio-visual combination of time to analyze. First, the relationship between music and sound, speech in audiovisual paragraphs Sound, music, speech with the sound element, but the three are
摘要 谢尔盖·瓦西里耶维奇·拉赫玛尼诺夫是19世纪后期伟大的音乐大师之一。他的音乐创作取材广泛、领域甚广,在交响曲、协奏曲、室内乐、歌剧、艺术歌曲等方面都有很大的艺术成就,终其一生为音乐事业奉献着自己的热情和智慧。《丁香花》这个作品充满了对祖国、对人民的热爱和对生活的美好期盼,有时候带着淡淡的忧伤。作品的钢琴织体部分结构复杂、音响厚实,形如流水。是19世纪末20世纪初俄罗斯音乐史上重要的里程碑。全