本文论述了石蒜属(Lycoris Herb.)矮小石蒜(L.radiata var,pumilaGery.)、石蒜(L.radiata Herb)、中国石蒜(L.chinensis Traub)和鹿葱(L.sqamigera Maxim.)四种植物的染色体核型,其根尖细胞的染色体数目分别为22、33、16和27。它们的染色体及其组型见图版1~8和表1。按照Levan等对染色体组到的描述公式,这四种植物的染色体组型应分别写成2n=2x=22=4st+18t.、2n=3x=33=33t、2n=2x=16=6m+10T和2n=3x=27=6m+2t+19T。据此,文中还对石蒜属染色体的融合和断裂理论进行了讨论。
This article deals with the effects of L. radiata var. PumilaGery., L. radiata Herb, L. chinensis Traub and L.sqamigera Maxim on Lycoris Herb. .) The chromosome numbers of the four plant species were 22, 33, 16 and 27, respectively. Their chromosomes and their types see plates 1 to 8 and Table 1. According to Levan et al.’s description of the genome, the genomes of these four plants should be written as 2n = 2x = 22 = 4st + 18t., 2n = 3x = 33 = 33t, 2n = 2x = 16 = 6m + 10T And 2n = 3x = 27 = 6m + 2t + 19T. Accordingly, the article also on Lycoris genus chromosome fusion and fracture theory are discussed.