1994年是湖北档案事业蓬勃发展的一年,1995年是充满希望的一年。在这辞旧迎新的时刻,我们满怀诚挚的感情谨向在档案战线上挥洒汗水并作出成绩的同志们和一贯关心支持档案事业的各级领导致以新年的良好祝愿——祝大家新年好! 刚刚过去的一年,全省广大档案干部在各级党委、政府的领导下,认真学习《邓小平文选》第三卷和党的十四届三中、四中全会精神,响应省委、省政府“超规划,赶
1994 is a thriving year for Hubei archives, and 1995 is a year full of hope. At this time of welcome and welcome, we extend our sincere wishes to all the comrades who have sweated and made achievements on the file front and the leaders of all walks of life who are always concerned about supporting the cause of archives. We wish all of you a Happy New Year! In the past year alone, under the leadership of the party committees and governments at all levels, the vast cadres of archives in the province earnestly studied the third volume of Deng Xiaoping’s Literary Selections and the spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 14th CPC Central Committee in response to the request of the provincial party committee and government "Super planning, rush