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  Abstract The National Science Museum THAILAND is a multi-in-one museum cluster, which is composed of Science Museum, Natural History Museum, Information Technology Museum, Science Square, and two other museums (Museum of Discovery and Innovation, Biodiversity Knowledge and Utilization Center) under construction. The National Science Museum THAILAND has remained committed to raise science awareness of the public, through a series of educational activities, such as science lab, science show, and so on. It makes complicated science knowledge more fun and easy-to-understand.
  Keywords National Science Museum THAILAND, museum cluster, exhibition, education
  0 Introduction
  The National Science Museum THAILAND aims to be a center of excellence in learning-center development, management and utilization, to better promote the public awareness of science. It has particular two niche areas of research: science communication, the natural history and biodiversity of Thailand.
  The National Science Museum THAILAND has three museums and one center: (1)The Science Museum displays more than 250 hands-on exhibits and model about science and technology in everyday life; (2)The Natural History Museum displays knowledge about the evolution of life and the diversity of living creatures ranging from single cell organisms to the animal kingdom; (3)The Information Technology Museum has been developed to provide visitors with an understanding of the basic principles of communication, computers, networks and information technology; (4)The Science Square provides an intellectual choice for families and young people to spend an enjoyable time discovering the fascinating world of science and cutting edge technology.
  1 Exhibition
  1.1 The Science Museum
  Come and discover science in new ways, there are no text books at the National Science Museum THAILAND. You can learn about science in everyday life across many subjects, including scientific discovery and theories, the Earth, architecture, robotics, forces and motion, geology and the traditional technologies of Thailand. With over 10000 square meters of permanent exhibitions of hands-on and discovery exhibits there is something for everyone here.
  1.2 The Natural History Museum
  The Natural History Museum invites visitors to learn about all things natural. Exploring big questions like the formation and development of the Earth to discovering microbes so small, millions can fit on the tip of a sewing needle. The diversity of plants and animals found here in Thailand (and neighbor countries) is a main focus of the museum and for its team. The museum itself is an impressive specimen collection house and research unit for Thailand’s biodiversity, and the only institute of this kind in the country. It is also one of the leading taxidermy units for scientific collection and study in Thailand.   1.3 The Information Technology Museum
  The Information Technology Museum is a place to discover how people communicate. With lots of interactive elements, you can explore how the communication of information has developed from early man, up until the fast paced technologies of the modern day. At the Information Technology Museum, you are invited to take a trip both back and forward in time on a journey through the story of communication technology, from smoke signals to 4G and beyond! Hosting an array of different communication methods and interactive approaches, the Information Technology Museum is a great place to reflect on how far humans have come since early man whilst still being amazed at how fast and furious the future arrives upon on all.
  1.4 The Science Square
  Science Square is the National Science Museum’s learning center in the heart of Bangkok city. It hosts travelling exhibitions that change every 4~6 months and has a number of permanent features and activities such as the world famous exhibition "Dialogue in the Dark" (Figure 1).
  "Dialogue in the Dark" is an interactive exhibition where visitors are led by blind guides through a specially constructed and fully darkened space. Take a walk through familiar environments such as a street or a park without the sense you rely on the most your sight. With a blind person to lead you and provide security, you will discover a world without pictures. Only experiencing one hour can you realize the difficulties faced by disabled person in his daily life, which reminds us that we should bring more care and love to those suffering from disabled difficulties.
  2 Education
  2.1 Science Lab
  Become a real scientist in the science lab. Discover the phenomena in our daily lives: ask questions and experiment then find and record the answers. There are many programs covering different topics:
  (1)"Cheeky Chocolate". Make chocolate treats to take home and discover the science behind them! Understand where chocolate comes from and the process of making it. Explore factors affecting the taste of chocolate e.g. viscosity, melting and ingredients.
  (2)"Light and Shadows". With series of experiments, take a glimpse into the properties of light, for example how light travels and how shadows form. Understand the importance of light, the formation of shadows and how sundials work.
  (3)"Kitchen Chemistry". Explore and learn about chemical reactions using things commonly found in your kitchen. Understand the difference between physical and chemical changes. Define and differentiate exothermic and endothermic reactions. Observe chemical reactions by applying sensory perception.   (4)"Lung Power". Have a go at approximating your own lung capacity with your friends. Test your lung capacity as you explore the respiratory system and its function in breathing. Understand the respiratory organs and their functions.
  2.2 Science Show
  Be ready to be amazed. The crazy science shows will blow your mind! The science shows of the National Science Museum THAILAND have become widely popular extra-curricular science activities here in Thailand. Using the spectacle of experiments to explain science, both children and adults can enjoy the wonders of science, with the wonders explained! Let us get involved and giggle with science.
  (1)"The Egg Show". Did you know science surround us in everyday life? Take eggs for example, a vital food type that has magic behind them. But it’s not magic, it’s science! Come and be wowed by things you never knew about eggs!
  (2)"Energy Show". How important is energy in everyday life? In this show, through experiments, we see examples of how humans use energy such as the ignition cylinder and explore different ways we can generate electricity.
  (3)"The Bump Show". Come and enjoy the Bump show! Want to know more about the science behind a bump? Explore the science behind collisions in everyday life, from bumping your head to crashing cars or bouncing balls.
  (4)"Pressure". We might think that air is untouchable, formless and weightless. The show presents that air can be touched and audiences are enjoy with vacuum products, natural fog, flaming and collapsible cans.
  2.3 Others Events
  Outreach programs help brining science to people’s doorsteps and allows the National Science Museum THAILAND to be part of local school or community activities. There are three kinds of outreach programs: science caravan (mobile museum), science express (school visit) and science at the mall (community outreach). The staffs of science caravan come from each department in the museum, and they will go to various regions of Thailand and neighboring countries for 3 to 7 days with their scientific experiments, scientific show and some exhibits. The exhibition tour is held once a month and mostly exhibited in schools and stores.
  Besides, "the Research Show by Naturalist" (Figure 2) also deserve further study and are worth referring. It is held once every week or every other week, and covers a wide range of subjects including plants, animals and minerals. Museum researchers make a lecture and answer questions for young people. In virtue of the rich collections, they can use varied specimens during the classes. These shows inspire participants to have a deep insight into science, eliminate the gap between the public and the scientists, and encourage them take science as their career.   3 Conclusions
  Leading at the forefront of science communication in South East Asia, the National Science Museum THAILAND is committed to making science accessible to everyone. Its mission is to accumulate local wisdom and communicate science, and to promote science learning in the society. The National Science Museum THAILAND is focused on presenting relevant science-based experiences for people of all ages and in as many places as possible, in order to enhance understanding and promote enjoyment. And it hopes to develop a community of citizens who value science, its role in individual lives and in the development of the nation.
  [1]National Science Museum THAILAND[EB/OL]. http://www.nsm.or.th/
  [2]CHEN K. Exhibition and education of the National Science Museum THAILAND[J]. Nature and Science, 2011(4): 42-43.
  [3]LIU D. National Science Museum THAILAND[J]. Quanqiu Keji Jingji Liaowang, 2000(10): 57.
  [4]YANG X P. A survey of science and technology museums in Southeast Asia[J]. Science and Technology, 2003(1): 24-26.
  摘 要:泰國国家科技馆是一个“多馆合一”的博物馆集群,现拥有科学技术馆、自然历史博物馆、信息技术馆以及科学广场,未来还计划建造探索与创新馆、环境生态馆。其始终致力于提升公众的科学素养,通过丰富多彩的教育活动,如科学实验、科学秀等,将复杂的科学知识变得生动有趣。
  关键词:泰国国家科技馆 博物馆群 陈列展示 教育活动
龚学敏,1965年生于四川九寨沟县。1987年开始发表诗作。已出版诗集《幻影》《雪山之上的雪》《长征》《九寨蓝》《紫禁城》《钢的城》等。现任《星星》诗刊主编。  在通江银耳博物馆  露生耳。把一支飘浮的曲子用节气聚拢来。  在通江,耳朵让女人的眼睛噙着,一落泪,  雾被洞穿,唯有倾听而已。回声在天空中,  把清晨又清晨了一次。  把银圆洞穿的耳朵,在天上飘着漂白的字。  用栎木的字典订购清朝,  
日产近日同日本海洋与地球科技研究社(JAMSTEC)及东碧工业株式会社(Topy Industries)达成合作,将向后两者提供环景监视技术(AVM)。日产全景监视技术作为其自动驾驶技术的一部分,将使得寻找海洋深水资源时避开障碍物以及提供精确导航等工作更容易。  日产于2007年首次推出全景监测系统,该系统能够虚拟一个360度鸟瞰图。通过安装在车身前侧、后侧以及外后视镜的4颗180度广角高分辨率摄
摘 要 本研究探讨了科技馆与博物馆在展览特点上的异同,并尝试将科技馆长期实践过程中总结得到的“分解—体验—认知”探究式展品辅导思路迁移运用于博物馆互动讲解中,证明该模式具有普适性、可复制性。此外,通过讨论《K-12科学教育框架》,以阐释分众化、分层次的探究和核心素养在博物馆教育活动策划、实施过程中的指导意义。  关键词 博物馆 互动讲解 分解—体验—认知 探究式学习  0 前言  近年来,随着大众
摘 要 以西安博物院为例,在问卷调查和现场访谈的基础上,运用旅游服务质量单要素评价模型,考察观众群体对服务质量的感知评价,并通过单因素方差分析进一步探讨各人口统计学特征变量对博物馆满意度的影响差异。研究结果表明:(1)优美的环境是西安博物院的重要优势;(2)男性对博物馆服务质量的要求高于女性;(3)西安博物院在老年群体中具有较高的知名度和美誉度;(4)年轻人和单身群体对西安博物院的认知度和忠诚度最
摘 要 展品是科技馆展览教育服务中实现教育目的的核心要素。如何基于展品设计教育活动,是众多科技馆转型的核心问题。本文针对科技馆“观众为中心”观念转向的现状进行解剖,明确展品在科技馆中的价值和地位;同时,针对现有教育活动仅基于展览设计成品进行“缝补式设计”,具有滞后性等特点,导致难以发挥展览教育功能等问题,构建科技馆展品教育信息通信过程模型,重新审视展品的教育价值,进而将模型落实于实践活动中。  关
摘 要 教育活动是博物馆的核心工作之一,但国内鲜有针对博物馆教育活动开发框架的研究。目前,上海自然博物馆开发了百余种不同类型的教育活动,其中以在“探索中心”独立活动区域实施的“自然探索移动课堂”最具代表性,获得了业内的广泛好评。以“奇特的千足百喙”活动为对象,归纳和剖析了基于情境学习理论的博物馆教育活动,以期对国内同行有所裨益。  关键词 情境学习 博物馆 教育活动 开发框架  0 引言  当代博
摘 要:本论文以东风小康自主品牌某车型为案例,通过对该车型进行外流场分析,并对其分析过程与结果做通用性描述,模拟出整车满载下的风阻系数、表面压力分布云图、车身流线分布情况等。通过风阻系数与迎风面积等相关参数,利用cruise 软件对该车型的最大速度、各档位的加速度、油耗等进行预测;根据表面压力分布云图、流线情况,可以判断车型设计是否满足预期设计。汽车外流场分析应用到汽车开发、设计,能给国内自主品牌
往年收完庄稼的秋冬农闲季节,文治叔就跟其他几个爱摸枪的后生,自发组织起来上山打猎。梨树岭人惯于把这项活动叫“出坡”。而自去年以来,政府开展收枪治暴工作,凡是有一定杀伤力的枪支都主动上缴或被没收了。即便有人斗胆私藏,也不敢轻易声张,更不敢拿出来用了。出坡,从此便中断下来。  野物在山上,像是有谁给通风报信,不知从哪里就纷纷蹿了出来。这对于庄稼人,无异于一场不小的灾难。尤其是野猪这畜生,对于快要成熟的
摘 要 安徽省“十二五”期间中等职业教育师资队伍建设取得了长足进步,但队伍整体素质与现代职业教育体系构建和高质量发展的要求相比还有明显差距,迫切需要以领军型教师引领加强教师团队建设。安徽省在实施中等职业教育质量提升工程中,建设“名师工作坊”项目,着力于抓好项目设计、队伍建设、运行机制、跟踪督促等环节,在培养有知名度和影响力教学名师、打造优秀教学团队、实施教育教学改革和科研项目、提炼优秀教育教学和科