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修养,是指个人在政治、思想、道德品质和知识能力等方面经过长期锻炼和培养所达到的一定水平,它对于一个人的工作、学习、生活影响极大。从县级综合性档案馆编研工作的性质和特点看,编研人员本身的政治、思想素质和知识水平、业务能力;是决定县级综合性档案馆编研工作水平和质量的关键因素,县档案馆编研人员的修养有其特殊的内容和要求,有如下五个方面: 一、理论政策水平 认真学习和运用马克思主义的科学理论体系,正确理解和贯彻党的路线、方针、政策,这是编研人员政治理论修养的基本内容。 马克思主义是我们的立国之本,是一个具有强大生命力的理论体系。随着时代的发展,马克思主义也在不断丰富、发展。我们党领导中国革命和建设的伟大实践,党的十一届三中全会以来所制定的一系列路线、方针、政策,都是马克思主义在中国的发展,是马克思主义同中国革命具体实践相结合的结晶。所以,编研人员当前学习马克思主义,提高自己政治理论修养的一个非常重 Self-cultivation refers to the individual attaining a certain level of long-term training and training in political, ideological, moral qualities and intellectual abilities and has a great influence on one’s work, study and life. Judging from the nature and characteristics of compilation and research work of the county-level comprehensive archives, the political, ideological qualities, knowledge level and professional ability of the editorial staff are the key factors that determine the level and quality of county-level comprehensive archives compilation and research work, There are five aspects as follows: First, theoretical and policy level To conscientiously study and apply Marxist theory system of science, correctly understand and implement the party’s line, principles and policies, This is the basic content of compiling and studying political theory. Marxism is the foundation of our nationhood and is a theoretical system with strong vitality. With the development of the times, Marxism is constantly enriched and developed. Since our party led the great practice of China’s revolution and construction, a series of lines, guidelines and policies formulated since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Party have led to the development of Marxism in China and the combination of Marxism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution Of crystallization. Therefore, the editorial staff currently studying Marxism, improve their self-cultivation of political theory is very heavy
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