As the author in 1976, “North Korea, Japan Islands geological structure of the test,” a paper that the Northwest Pacific tectonic belt equivalent to the Alps - Himalayas as the leading frontier orogenic belt, which is widely distributed in Eurasia The eastern part of the block is bounded by the 2,000-kilometer Baikal rift north-east extension of Siberia. It consists of the following structurally closely related genetic zones. 1. Land block: It is characterized by tension faults along the north east-southwest, north west-south east, east-west direction and grabens and overturned faults with tension faults (Figure 1). 2. Frontal orogen: A series of island arcs that are mainly prominent in the Pacific Ocean are represented by complex ribbon-shaped formations with complex folds of different age strata and segmented by shear faults (Figures 2 and 3). 3. The marginal sea with troughs inside the island arc may be genetically formed by rifts and tectonic basins. 4. Deep trenches develop along the outer edge of the island arc. The basic type of the above structure is the gradual development of the crustal tectonic movement through the Jurassic, Late Cretaceous - Early Tertiary, Middle Tertiary, Late Tertiary - Late Pleistocene. Although there are still many problems that have not been solved due to insufficient information, according to geological and geophysical surveys, various opinions and hypotheses have been put forward on the causes of island arcs and marginal seas. As far as the western Pacific tectonic belt is concerned, the geological phenomena observed through the surface show that: (1) The above-mentioned island arc structure can be explained by the concept that the compressive force repeatedly causes it to rise and wrinkle toward the Pacific Ocean; (2) island arc drift away from the ocean toward the ocean. These movements may bend the oceanic crust downward to form deep trenches. Figures 1-9 provided in this article reflect, to a certain extent, the author’s new insights into the tectonic zone in the global structure.