
来源 :新课程学习(上) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:candycandy726
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当下,“语用”教学成了教改的新指向,可是部分一线教师在践行中仍有迷惘。如何让“语用”奏响听说读写的主旋律呢?应抓住知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观的三维目标整体设计,使三者相互渗透,融为一体。 At present, “pragmatic ” teaching has become the new direction of education reform, but some front-line teachers still confused in practice. How to make “pragmatic” play the main theme of listening, speaking, reading and writing? Should grasp the knowledge and ability, process and method, emotional attitude and values ​​of the three-dimensional goal of the overall design, so that the three infiltration and integration.