美国出版的《世界农业经营》杂志,一九七五年十一月号以《新的多穗玉米热》为题,介绍了多穗玉米在美国的发展情况。译出如下: 当前,多穗玉米已引起了玉米种子生产公司的重视。多穗型的玉米杂交种每株结穗数目都多于一个。数量遗传的研究结果指出:单株结穗的数目与玉米产量有很高的相关性;结穗数目对玉米产量的响影甚至比每穗行数、籽粒深浅对玉米产量的影响更大。当前绝大多数的多穗玉米品种都是在美国南部各州育成的。很多多穗玉米杂交种来源于爆裂型玉米。生育期较长的地区适宜多穗玉米
The issue of multi-spike corn in the United States was published in the issue of World Agriculture Business magazine published by the United States in November 1975 in the title of “New Multi-Spike Corn Heat.” It is translated as follows: Currently, multi-ear corn has attracted the attention of corn seed production companies. Multi-spike corn hybrids per plant more than one spike. The quantitative genetic study indicated that there was a high correlation between the number of ears per plant and the yield of maize. The number of ears affected the yield of maize even more than the number of lines per hectare. The effect of grain depth on the yield of maize was greater. The vast majority of multi-spike corn varieties are bred in the southern states of the United States. Many multi-spike corn hybrids come from pop corn. Growing areas suitable for more long ears of corn