[Example 1] Patient 26 years old, hospital number 50965, pregnancy _1 production _0. Due to 34 ~ (+3) weeks of pregnancy, moderate pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, in January 12, 1988 admission. Last Menstruation May 14, 1987, no previous history. After admission to magnesium sulfate, methimazole and other treatment. On the 6th day after hospitalization at 8:00, sudden sensation in the abdomen caused severe pain in the stool. At that time examination: blood pressure 14.7 / 12kPa, facial expression pain, pale, lower extremity edema (++). Cardiopulmonary normal, liver and spleen is not, the whole abdomen with significant tenderness, rebound tenderness and muscle tension to the right even more. Palace body continued hard as a plate, Gong Gao 34cm, abdominal circumference 90cm, the first first exposed, not convergence, normal fetal heart rate. No vaginal bleeding, cervix is not open, the membranes are not broken. Probable placental abruption, emergency surgery laparotomy. Intraoperative see intraperitoneal hemorrhage about 1300ml. The first cesarean section for the lower uterine segment, delivered an immature baby girl, mild suffocation. Amniotic fluid clear, normal placenta, no premature peeling phenomenon.