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21世纪,品牌经济已经席卷全球,入世后的中国必须与世界潮流同步,中国旅游必须与品牌同行,我们已别无选择。但放眼我国的旅游品牌,其运作还显得十分稚嫩,其生命还十分脆弱,这不能不令人担忧。本文试列举当前中国旅游品牌生存中应予批评的十种现象,以警醒国人,同时希望我国旅游界立即行 In the 21st century, the brand economy has swept the world. After China’s accession to the WTO, China must synchronize with the world trend. China’s tourism must go hand in hand with the brand, and we have no other choice. But looking at China’s tourism brand, its operation seems very immature, and its life is still very fragile, which can not but cause for concern. This article tries to list ten phenomena to be criticized in the current survival of China’s tourism brand to alert people and at the same time hope that the travel industry in our country can immediately
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