The Logistics Technology Research Laboratory of the Second Design and Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry carried out a research pilot for the application of logistics technology at the Hangzhou Automobile Engine Plant and achieved gratifying results. In recent years, logistics technology has received widespread attention in developed countries. It studies the laws of logistics and optimizes the logistics system so as to save plant area and construction area as well as transportation equipment, energy and labor. Hangzhou Automobile Engine Factory, located in the urban area, had decided to build a new factory in the suburbs in order to double production. The Logistics Technology Research Laboratory conducted a detailed investigation of the basic logistics status of the plant, collected a large amount of data, conducted scientific data processing, planned the entire plant’s logistics system plan, relocated the entire plant’s system plane, and designed and built a three-dimensional The warehouse also implements computer management and establishes a computer-aided logistics analysis of the whole plant, so as to achieve a smooth and reasonable flow of logistics, reduce the cross-return, and make the transport palletization, mechanization, and storage three-dimensional. According to preliminary statistics, the plant has reduced its logistics workload by 43%, with an annual economic efficiency of 300,000 yuan. It has also cancelled the plan to relocate the factory and expanded it to its original location, doubling its output. Logistics technology is currently in the stage of propaganda, learning and experimental application in China, but its future is bright. The three-dimensional warehouse introduced in this paper is one of the important results of the application of logistics technology. In the future, the journal will also publish articles on logistics technology, hoping to arouse readers’ interest in researching and applying this new technology.