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石锛是古代重要的生产工具之一。闽粤港台地区多年的考古调查和发掘,发现了大批的石质生产工具,其中石锛所占比重较大,且具有一定的地域性特征。本文拟将石锛放到一群遗物中去考察,从微观的角度对闽粵港台地区石锛的横剖面进行分类研究,并从宏观的角度考察这一地区石锛横剖面的区域性特征及其向东南亚和南太平洋诸岛的传播。 Stone adze is one of the important tools of production in ancient times. Fujian, Hong Kong and Taiwan for many years of archaeological investigation and excavation, found a large number of stone production tools, which accounted for a larger proportion of stone adzes, and has some regional characteristics. This paper intends to put the stone into a group of relics to investigate, from the microscopic point of view of stone cross-section of Fujian, Hong Kong and Taiwan classified research and macro-perspective of the region stone cross-section of the regional characteristics and Its spread to Southeast Asia and the South Pacific islands.