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诸城历史悠久,人杰地灵。诸城因上古名君舜帝出生于城北的诸冯村而得名。汉代置县,宋代为密州州治所在地,苏东坡在此任太守,曾写下了《水调歌头?明月几时有》等千古诗篇。诸城还是全国罕见的恐龙化石宝库,目前,世界上已知最大的鸭嘴恐龙化石就出土并陈列于诸城,因此,诸城又称“龙城”。3月18日,《教育》旬刊记者来到诸城,对位于潍水之滨的诸城繁华中学课堂改革创新模式进行了采访。课堂改革破冰前行去年12月2日,为取得清华、北大、浙大、复旦等名校自主招生入围资格,繁华中学高三级部50多名优秀学生参加了学校举办的公开选拔2011年高校自主招生入围资格面试大赛。所选问题没有一个直接出自课本,而是涉及政治、经济、文化、科技、国际关系、社会生活等诸多方面。面试现场,有的同学反应敏捷、思维缜密;有的同学立意高远,分析深透;有的同学思想新颖,语出惊人。繁华中学学生有如此好的表现,得益于该校平时的自主探究学习习惯的养成,他们成绩的取得靠的不是运气,而是实力。 Zhucheng has a long history, outstanding people. Zhucheng named for Emperor Feng Shun of ancient name was born in the north of the village of Feng. Han Dynasty home county, the Song Dynasty for the seat of the state of Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Sung, Su Dongpo Prefecture in this place, had written “Water Head? Moonlight when” and other eternal Psalms. Zhucheng is also a rare treasure house of dinosaur fossils in China. At present, the largest known duck-billed dinosaur fossils in the world are unearthed and displayed in Zhucheng. Therefore, Zhucheng is also called “Dragon City”. March 18, “Education” reporter came to Zhucheng Xuncheng, located in the coast of Zhucheng Zhucheng bustling middle school classroom reform and innovation mode were interviewed. On December 2 last year, more than 50 outstanding students from the top three departments of Bustling High School participated in the open selection of 2011 colleges and universities for their own enrollment in order to obtain their own qualifications for admission to Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University and Fudan University. Finalist qualification interview contest. None of the questions selected is directly from the textbooks, but covers many aspects such as politics, economy, culture, science and technology, international relations and social life. Interview scene, some students react quickly, thoughtful and meticulous; Some students lofty vision, analysis thoroughly; Some students have new ideas, astonishing words. Prosperous middle school students have such a good performance, thanks to the school's usual self-study habits to develop, their performance depends on not luck, but strength.
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