王屋山是我国的著名山岳,人文资源和自然资源十分丰富。这里风景秀丽,河流密布,溪涧纵横,气候适宜,是参观游览、疗养避暑的好地方,也是开展溪钓、游钓的好去处。 1990年7月中旬,我携带妻子和孩子到河南省济源市休假。因山下炎热难耐,岳父就带我们回王屋山上的老家避暑。面包车沿着弯弯的公路盘旋而上,50公里的山路足足行走了两个小时。公路尽头处,有一个被高大、茂密的槐树林包围着只有20余户人家的小山村,这就是妻子出生的地方。我们的到来,为这幽静的山村带来几分
Wangwu Mountain is a famous mountain in China, with rich humanities and natural resources. Here the beautiful scenery, rivers and streams, streams vertical and horizontal, suitable climate, is a good place to visit, recuperate summer, but also to carry out river fishing, fishing is a good place. In mid-July 1990, I took my wife and children to Jiyuan City, Henan Province for a holiday. Because of the hot mountain, my father took us back to his hometown in the mountains. The van hovers along a winding road, and a 50-kilometer mountain road runs for two hours. At the end of the road, there is a small mountain village surrounded by tall and dense sophorium trees with only 20 households, which is where his wife was born. Our arrival brings something to this secluded mountain village