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去年初,在《中国林业报》上刊登的“全国绿化奖章”获得者的名单上,赫然写着他的名字。而当暮春我们采访他时,他对此事却一无所知! 他,就是西畴县国营香坪山林场高级工程师税希特。痴心不改 1978年,科技大会的春风吹拂神州大地。那些长期“偷偷摸摸”搞科技的人们,终于可以理直气壮地重操“旧业”了。税希特也不例外,他怎能不珍惜这时机呢? 1957年,税希特从云南大学农学院林学系毕业,被分配到省林业厅工作。后来的5年间,他奔波于全省各地不同海拔的林区,调查收集科技资料,以便推广利用。1962年当他接到下放到西畴县香坪山林场的通知,二话 Earlier last year, he was shocked to read his name on the list of recipients of the “National Greening Medal” published in the “China’s Forestry Newspaper.” When we interviewed him in late spring, he did not know anything about the matter! He is a tax expert in Xiangpingshan Forest Farm, Xichou County. Foolish mind does not change In 1978, the spring wind blowing science and technology conference in China. Those who have long been “sneaky” in science and technology can finally rejoin the “old business” with confidence. Tax Hit is no exception. How can he not cherish this opportunity? In 1957, Taxite graduated from Forestry Department of Yunnan Agricultural University and was assigned to the provincial department of forestry. In the next five years, he traveled to the forest areas at different altitudes across the province to investigate and collect scientific and technological materials for their promotion and utilization. In 1962, when he received the notice sent to Xiangpingshan Forest Farm in Xichou County, he said something
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