【摘 要】
济南的初冬,虽不像北国那样寒冷,却也不时的凉风阵阵。“叮铃铃,叮铃铃……”星期五早晨,不到八点,我与同事们刚刚整理完办公室的卫生,电话铃就响了起来。“喂,您好,这里是济南市公证处。”“您是刘老师吗?我是省 XX 医院医务科科长,又有一例手术协议申请办理公证,您现在有时间吗?”放下电话,我陷入了深深的沉思。手机铃声,BP 机响声,座机电话铃声,天天不断,常常响
Jinan early winter, though not as cold as the North, but from time to time cool breezes. “Jingle bell, Jingle bell ... ” Friday morning, less than eight o’clock, my colleague and I just finished cleaning the office, the telephone rang. “Hello, here is the notary office in Jinan City. ” “Are you a teacher? I was the chief of medical department of Provincial XX Hospital, and there was another case of application for notarization of surgical protocol. Do you now have time? ”Put down the phone, I fell into deep thought. Ringtones, BP machine sound, landline phone ring tones, constantly, often ringing
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A study found that bad-tempered people were three times more likely to have heart attacks than others.However.suppressIng anger is also bad for health.
A stud
一海沙1 .All things are diffieult before they are easy. 万事开头难。2 .Quarreling 15 tho weaPon of the weak. 吵架是弱者的武器。3 .one eanonly show others the wa
1.Mr and Mrs Jones seldom go out in the evening,but last Saturday,Mrs Jones said to her husband,“There’s a good film at the cinema tonight.Can you go and see
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