Effect of Re Addition and Withdrawal Rate on the Solidification Behavior of Directionally Solidified

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WW630228937
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The influence of Re addition and withdrawal rate on the solidification behavior of the first generation single crystal superalloy AM3 was investigated by directional solidification and quenching experiments.The primary dendrite arm spacing and eutectic volume fraction were measured from directionally solidified superalloy AM3 with different Re contents.It is found that the primary dendrite arm spacing is determined by the withdrawal rate,and Re does not influence on the value.The eutectic fraction increases with increasing Re addition.Partition coeffcients of alloying elements were investigated with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry(EDS) analysis.The data was submitted to a statistical treatment to establish the solidification path,and the partition coeficients were measured by fitting the curve with a modified Scheil formula.It is shown that the addition of Re results in bigger microsegregation of alloying elements in directionally solidified AM3 superalloy. The influence of Re addition and withdrawal rate on the solidification behavior of the first generation single crystal superalloy AM3 was investigated by directional solidification and quenching experiments. The primary dendrite arm spacing and eutectic volume fraction were measured from directionally solid superalloy AM3 with different Re contents. It is found that the primary dendrite arm spacing is determined by the withdrawal rate, and Re does not influence on the value. Eutectic fraction increases with increasing Re addition. Partition coeffcients of alloying elements were investigated with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry ( EDS) analysis. The data was submitted to a statistical treatment to establish the solidification path, and the partition coeficients were measured by fitting the curve with a modified Scheil formula. It is shown that the addition of Re results in bigger microsegregation of alloying elements in directionally solidified AM3 superalloy.
我在人大研究生毕业那年,申请到了一个很神奇的实习项目.这个项目叫作DITI (Dubai International Thoroughbred Internship)国际纯血马的实习生项目.简单来说,就是去帮酋长养
我们班,整个一演技派。  上语文课时,为了让他们充分感受情景交融的场面,我给他们看了《哪吒之魔童降世》里海边落日踢毽子的片段,看画面写作文,他们看得喜滋滋的,小练笔写得质量极高。  下节语文课别的老师来我们班代课,一回来就赞叹:“哇,这个班的小孩可太乖了,一个个文静得很。”  我笑而不语,他们的演技,我可是开学第一天就领教了。  第一周学校就下达了新老师的公开课任务,我心底揣了好大一个鼓,在紧敲慢
《庄子·达生篇》有一则故事:颜回问孔子:“我乘船渡过觞那个地方的深潭,看到驾驶渡船的人,技术非常高超,简直达到出神入化的程度。我问他:‘驾船的技巧,普通人可以学会吗?’他回答我:‘可以的。会游水的人,多练习几次就会了;会潜水的人,就是从没见过船是什么模样,也能一见到船便会操作。’我再问是什么道理,他却不告诉我所以然。老师,您可以为我解释吗?”  孔子说:“会游水的人,只要多练习几次就会驾船,是因为
在25年的从师之旅中,作为一名语文教师,我深深感受到我们每一个教师都应该是一个掘宝人——一点一滴地挖出学生的潜能,一点一滴地显示出他们的风采,不断地激励他们向更高的领域迈进,不断地激励他们完成自己人生的最高追求。那么,怎样善用激励语言来激发学生的语文学习热情,达到优化教学效果的作用呢?  一、针对不同课文,采用情感激励,使学生产生共鸣  苏霍姆林斯基说:“教师的情绪渲染是讲授的素养之一,它在极大程