小麦全蚀病是一种毁灭性病害,蔓延扩展迅速,为害严重。减产轻则1~2成,重的可达5成以上,甚至绝收。丰润县近几年小麦全蚀病迅速扩展,成为制约小麦单产提高的重要因素。为此,县植保站在实践中不断探索全蚀病防治方法,成功地控制了小麦全蚀病的扩展。1 传播侵染特点 小麦全蚀病是1种土传病害,病菌寄生范围广,可寄生小麦、大麦、玉米等多种禾谷类作物和禾本科杂草。可在土壤中的病残体上过腐生生活。所以,潜伏在病残体上的菌丝是病害的主要侵染源。种子带菌和夹杂在种子、粪肥
Total eclipse of wheat disease is a devastating disease, spread rapid expansion, serious damage. Reducing the weight of 1 to 2 percent, heavy up to 5 percent or more, or even close. In recent years, Fengrun County has rapidly expanded its total eclipse and has become an important factor restricting the improvement of wheat yield. To this end, the plant protection stations in the county continue to explore the total eclipse prevention and control methods in practice, successfully controlling the expansion of wheat eclipse. 1 The characteristics of spread infection Wheat eclipse is a disease of soil-borne diseases, parasitic bacteria wide range of parasitic wheat, barley, corn and other cereals and grass weeds. In the soil of the sick living on the saprophytic life. Therefore, the lurking dormant mycelium is the main source of infection. Seed carry and mix in seeds, manure