
来源 :广西大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darkelf696
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为量化分析在基础施工阶段工地内的扬尘分布情况,选取南宁市环境空气质量实时发布系统公布数据作为对比标准,测量2015年10月到2016年1月间南宁某教学楼工地内细颗粒物PM2.5和可吸入颗粒物PM10数值量。将测得数据对数转化,减少数据变异性,使其接近正态分布,并选取置信度为95%的数据。对PM2.5及PM10排放量提取主成分表示排放强度。依据排放强度,将工地内位置用系统聚类分成三类。结果显示:1工地内排放强度最大一类区域为钢筋加工棚,挖掘机工作区,挖掘机破碎锤工作区,水泥搅拌区。利用独立样本T检验对分类效果进行检验,得到分类效果良好。2排放强度最大一类区域PM10与PM2.5排放量呈极强正相关(R~2=0.838),即两种污染物具有相同的污染源。3对排放强度与气象因素进行相关性分析,得到基坑周围、工人生活区、道路边、桩机和水泥车周围排放强度和温度呈显著正相关和湿度呈显著负相关,扬尘主要来源于颗粒物扩散。 In order to quantitatively analyze the distribution of dust in the construction site during the basic construction period, the published data of the ambient air quality of Nanning City was used as the comparison standard to measure the PM2 in the teaching building site of Nanning from October 2015 to January 2016. 5 and PM10 values ​​for respirable particulate matter. Will logarithm of the measured data conversion, reduce the data variability, make it close to the normal distribution, and select the confidence of 95% of the data. The main components extracted from PM2.5 and PM10 emissions represent emission intensity. Based on the emission intensity, the location of the site is divided into three categories by system clustering. The results show that: 1, the largest discharge intensity in the construction site is the steel bar, working area of ​​excavator, work area of ​​excavator breaker, and cement mixing zone. Using the independent sample T test to test the classification result, the classification result is good. 2. The emission intensity of PM10 and PM2.5 in the area with the highest emission intensity is strongly and positively correlated (R ~ 2 = 0.838), that is, the two pollutants have the same source of pollution. According to correlation analysis of emission intensity and meteorological factors, there is a significant positive correlation between discharge strength and temperature around the pit, workers living area, roadside, pile driver and cement truck, and humidity. The dust is mainly from particulate matter diffusion.
<正> 1·宋·庄绰《鸡肋编》卷上“翟字读音”条:《春秋》“郑伯突入于栎。”《注》云“郑别都,今河南阳翟县。陆德明音翟,徒历反。”(第15页)按:“《注》云”以下文字应标点