Reported 28 cases of systemic scleroderma (PSS), including HLA phenotypes in three families. Among them, 26 were women and 2 were males. The age of onset was 39 ± 12 years. The age of treatment was 53 ± 13 years and the duration of illness was 14 ± 9 years (range 1 to 37 years). And 4 cases of MCTD and 4 cases of urticarial sclerosis as a control. Cases of three pedigrees are reported as follows: Example 1-1 Female, 58 years old, arthralgia for 10 years, Raynaud’s phenomenon and sclerosis for 1 year, with esophageal dysfunction March, death due to respiratory insufficiency; cases 1-2.51 years old, Example 1-1, sister, Reynolds phenomenon, facial and hand sclerosis for 3 years. Indirect immunofluorescence ANA positive spots and karyotype. Example 2-1. Female, 52 years old,