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上好新形势下思想政治课,不仅需要深入研究学生思想活动的新情况和新特点,而且需要深入研究学生心理活动的规律和特点。日益开放的社会,给学生的心理发展和思想观念带来重大影响。他们的思想观念和思维方式由静态、狭隘、封闭逐步转向动态、系统、开放,眼界变得更加宽广,思维变得更加活跃。面对这种变化了的新形势、新情况,那种凭感性经验支配的经验型思想政治课教育方法,必须向符合学生思想活动发展规律的科学型教育方法转变。运用心理学知识研究学生心理活动的规律和特点,对于增强思想政治课的针对性和实效性,加强政治课的感染力,具有十分重要的意义。 To better the ideological and political classes in the new situation, it is necessary not only to thoroughly study the new situations and new characteristics of students’ ideological activities, but also to study in depth the laws and characteristics of students’ mental activities. The increasingly open society has a major impact on students’ psychological development and ideological concepts. Their ideological concepts and ways of thinking have gradually changed from static, narrow, and closed to dynamic, systematic, and open. Their horizons have become broader and their thinking has become more active. In the face of this changing new situation and new situation, the kind of empirical ideological and political education methods that are governed by perceptual experience must be transformed into scientific education methods that meet the students’ development patterns of ideological activities. The use of psychological knowledge to study the laws and characteristics of students’ psychological activities is of great significance for enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political classes and strengthening the appeal of political classes.
带2岁以内的小孩子去旅行虽然麻烦,但是只要做好充分的准备,就是值得的,可以让宝宝体会到和父母在一起的亲密感。  很多家庭在有了孩子之后,就不怎么去旅行了。确实,孩子太小,还记不住去过的地方、见过的风景,而且带他们出门也非常的麻烦,安全也是一个让新父母裹足不前的原因。但孩子们在和父母一起的旅行中,能感受到父母专注的陪伴;新鲜的陌生环境,更能让他们体会到和父母在一起的亲密感。  总归要迈出第一步的,那
目的:探讨经阴道彩色超声及三维阴道超声对子宫下段切口妊娠(sal~an sear pregnancy,CSP)的早期诊断方法及图像表现。方法:采用经阴道超声检查2013年7月至2014年7月本院接诊
目的 :探究延续性护理干预在高血压脑出血患者中的应用效果.方法 :将我院患者作为主要的研究对象,患者均为2017年3月——2018年3月在我院接受治疗的高血压脑出血患者,本研究