
来源 :教学月刊小学版(综合) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vforvivid
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漫步公园,一句温馨的话语让我会心一笑:小草微微笑,请您绕一绕。于是,轻轻地抬步,生怕踩疼了那绿色的小生命,更是俯下身,轻轻地梳理起小草的长辫子,感受着它的清香。这时,脑海里浮现出另一句话“请勿践踏草坪”。这两句话,想表达的意思完全一样,然而,效果却大相径庭,前者不仅让人们绕开了,而且更激起一种想保护它的欲望。而后者虽然有个“请”字,却暗含着一种命令,结果却让有些人对这熟视无睹,甚至背道而驰。这让我想 Walking the park, a warm words made me smile: grass smile, please around a winding. So, gently lift the step, for fear of traumatizing that green little life, but also bent over, gently combing the grass long braid, feeling its fragrance. At this time, my mind emerged another sentence “Do not trample the lawn ”. The meanings of these two sentences are exactly the same. However, the effect is very different. The former not only allows people to bypass but also provokes a desire to protect it. Although the latter has a “please” character, it implies a kind of order. As a result, some people turn a blind eye to this and even run counter to it. This makes me think