The Challenges of Contemporary Photography Art under the New Technology Media

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  【abstract】Nowadays is an era of rapid change,and the rapid development of science and technology has profoundly affected today's lifestyle.Under the new technology media,the scope of aesthetics of contemporary photography art continues to expand,affecting our way of understanding images and exploring the way images are presented in different contexts.The theme of this exhibition has been profoundly changed with the application of scientific and technical media such as artificial intelligence in photography art.This paper analyzes the complexity of the cross-relationship between various parts of science and technology media and art,and explores the changes in the aspects of image aesthetics,reading mode and new imaging technology in the face of new technology media.
  【Key words】:Artificial intelligence;contemporary photography;new technology media
  This third session is also the National Art Foundation Project 2018 Annual Communication.The promotion project of communication - "Simple Image Mystery - Space Conversion of Photography Image in Artificial Intelligence Age" exhibition is another extended discussion following the theme of the last two exhibitions.The exhibition "Simple Image Mystery - Space Conversion of Photographic Images in Artificial Intelligence Age"(hereinafter referred to as this exhibition)aims to explore photography as an art by studying the complexity of the relationship between "photography art" and "artificial intelligence era".The image aesthetics after the intervention of the new technology media extends the characteristics of the body and the new aesthetics that may accompany it,and in this process,the reading method of the traditional photography art will also occur as the new reading medium is changed.The change,the process itself and the deconstruction and reorganization of the new reading logic are a new experiment and exploration of the exhibition from "planar rendering" to "physical space occupation",and the application of new imaging technology in this process and The resulting new image features will be closely linked to the development of contemporary society.
  First,the expansion of the scope of image aesthetics
  Science and technology provide the foundation for art.In the era of artificial intelligence,the way of using images and consuming images has changed.In this context,all the topics explored by art,photography,installations,etc.are no longer a single context,giving the public a more objective reading.Cognition,rather than standing up in a certain context,is easy to understand and understand.   Second,This exhibition presents a contemporary image view
  explore the way images are presented in different contexts,and explore The more possibilities of art forms are related to art in the context of culture,history,philosophy,and ethics.What we are doing now is to add ideas to pictures.The exhibition "Unknown Objects" generates new unfamiliar images through the dismantling and reorganization of the images of human creations,and returns them to an undetermined state.s.The display of many devices and their videos in the field is more of an immersive experience in the process of reading pictures.
  Three,the application of new imaging technology
  The influence of the development of the technological era on the disciplines of art and so on is significant,and the artistic charm generated by the development of science and technology is shocking.The presentation of these multimedia works better realizes the theme of violence,aesthetics,origin of life,ethics and the values of the current culture.It vividly and vividly shows the intersection of art and technology.The new imaging technology has a visual image.A variety of forms of presentation.In this exhibition,
  From the different forms of the formation of image aesthetics,the display of different media makes the scope of aesthetics more and more,the emergence of various information technologies such as new media,the change of reading mode,and the application of new imaging technology make photography as art.A variety of forms of presentation.The challenge of photography art must be the reflection of technological innovation and the new artistic dimension of the sudden change of supply and demand in contemporary image culture.
摘要:文物是具备高价值的一类历史文化遗产,在人类历史上,由于各种原因会制造赝品或者复制品,这便导致许多文物真假难辨,有的文物在漫长的岁月中,本来面目逐渐被掩盖,人们很难对于有正确地认识,因此,文物鉴定和鉴赏就变得尤为重要。本文主要围绕文物鉴定与鉴赏展开论述,以供行业人员参考借鉴。  关键词:文物鉴定;鉴赏;价值;作用  引言  文物是人类重要的文化遗产,由于市场上很多文物的质量及真假难以保证,文物
[Abstract]From the invention of photography to the division of a series of photographic categories,such as pictorial photography,documentary photography and landscape photography,photography as an ind
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摘要:随着西方艺术观念的内在变化,纪实摄影逐渐发展成为当代摄影的重要艺术形式。本文通过重点分析其构图方式、光影质感和色调对比来邂逅摄影创作的审美艺术,呈现出特殊历史语境下摄影作品传递的艺术体验。  关键词:纪实摄影;审美赏析;视觉隐喻  当我们邂逅真正的摄影作品时,我们便进入了艺术的审美体验。与此同时,摄影作品作为现实世界的视觉隐喻,展现了人们非常重视的精神层面。  《在路上看到的生活》  作品描
摘要:配电变压器是电网中分布最广、数量最多的电气设备之一,通过合理的节能设计减少运行中配电变压器的电能损耗,以达到高效、节能、减排的效果,这对整个配电系统有着不可忽略的作用和意义。基于此,本文对节能型配电变压器设计若干问题进行分析和探讨,希望能对高效节能型配电变压器的推广应用有所帮助。  关键词:节能减排;环保设计;节能型;配电变压器  配电变压器作为使用最为广泛的电力设施,数量特别巨大,型号复杂
摘要:在江南文化记忆中中,以“小桥、流水、人家”为独特的地域特色,直观的、原汁原味的表现了乡土文化韵味。随着时间的推移,历史街区的破损在所难免,修复和改造是街区更新与再生的重要方式,但是千篇一律的改造方式和严重的商业化不仅使历史街区失去了其地域特色,也让原本有特色的历史街区变得平庸。  关键词:历史街区;地域特色;改造  一、当今社会发展对历史街区的影响和文化街区在改造更新过程中存在的问题  1.
摘要:变压器是电力系统的重要组成部分,其正常运行是确保电力供应的基础,随着输变电需求的快速增长及电网覆盖面的不断拓广,必须确保变压器的稳控系统以保障电力的正常供应。基于此,本文将对配电网变压器稳控系统的设计及优化进行分析及研究,可为配电网管理与维护提供交流及参考。  关键词:变压器;稳控系统;系统设计;系统优化  电力系统本身就是一个涉及面广、业务流程复杂的综合系统,而配电网系统中各种各样的电力设