根据中设[2002]5号文件的要求,由各省、自治区、直辖市,各行业设备管理协会及有关单位逐级评选和推荐,经中国设备管理协会审定批准,决定表彰杨贵然等946名同志为第二届全国优秀设备工作者。发给荣誉证书、奖章,名单将在《中国设备工程》杂志上公布,予以表彰。 本届表彰的946名全国优秀设备工作者,是继1994年首届全国优秀设备工作者评选之后,第二届评选出
According to the requirements of Document [2002] No. 5, the 946 comrades including Yang Gui-gei and others commended for approval by the China Association of Equipment Management (CAAC) for the selection and recommendation by each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, and the equipment management associations and relevant units of various industries. Second National outstanding equipment workers. Issued honorary certificates, medals, the list will be published in the “China Equipment Engineering” magazine, be commended. The 946 outstanding national equipment workers honored this year are the second best selected after the first national excellent equipment worker was selected in 1994