受精及其嗣后的胚泡植入是生殖生育中的关键环节 ,深入了解其过程对不孕症的治疗和实施计划生育等都有重要的理论和实践意义 ,然迄今仍缺乏明确的方法对其进行判断以作出超早孕诊断 ,目前临床上应用的放射免疫分析法测定人绒毛膜促性腺激素 - β亚单位 (β -HCG)诊断早孕 ,
Fertilization and subsequent blastocyst implantation is a key part of reproductive growth, to understand the process of infertility treatment and implementation of family planning and so has an important theoretical and practical significance, so far there is still no clear way to its To make the judgment to make the diagnosis of ultra-early pregnancy. At present, radioimmunoassay of human chorionic gonadotropin-β subunit (β -HCG) is used in the diagnosis of early pregnancy,