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广告作为一种高效的营销方式已经广泛运用到我们生活的各个方面,其产生的巨大能效也被当今社会所认可。尤其是最近几年,广告在城市营销、道德宣传中发挥了越来越重要的角色。小到各个企业、机构、风景名胜区,大到城市或国家政府,广告宣传片被运用到各种形象的推广和宣传中。在看似热闹的背后,这些广告宣传片是否真正起到了预想的目的和效果呢?《世界电影百科全书》中对广告宣传片的界定是“直接服务于某种宣传任务的宣传画式短片”。在英文字典及外文著作中,宣传片有三种 Advertising as an efficient marketing method has been widely used in all aspects of our lives, and its enormous energy efficiency has also been recognized by the society today. Especially in recent years, advertising has played an increasingly important role in urban marketing and ethical publicity. Small businesses, institutions, scenic spots, big cities or national governments, advertising videos have been applied to a variety of image promotion and publicity. In the seemingly brisk behind these ad videos really played the desired purpose and effect? ​​“World Film Encyclopedia” of the definition of advertising is “a direct promotional campaign for a promotional short message ”. In English dictionary and foreign language writings, there are three kinds of videos
人物简介:霍华德·戈登,1961年3月31日出生在纽约市皇后区。编剧、制片人、导演,代表作有《X档案》《国土安全》《暴君》。2011年,他出版了自己的第一本小说《吉迪恩的战争》,次年又出版了续集《棘手目标》。现与妻子和3个孩子生活在洛杉矶。  最近,美剧《暴君》正在全球热播,国内一家网站也获得了独家播映权。这部以中东为背景的政治惊悚剧,上线仅两个小时点播量就突破了100万,上线5天点播量突破160