论述了21 世纪以信息革命为主的新的技术革命给航天与军用仿真技术提出的新的需求和技术推动,从军事技术革命对军事行动的影响的四个主要方面:远程精确打击武器、空间手段的应用、信息战、以及作战体系对抗等方面论述了系统仿真技术在航天及军用领域的发展方向“,”Discussing how the new technological revolution leading by information technology in the 21th century gives thrust to the astronautical and defense system simulation technology,both in developing new requirements and enabling technologies.Form the four main aspects of the new military technological revolution effecting future military operations,namely,long range precision attack missile;information operations,extensice military use of space resources;and warfare between operational systems;discussions are given to the future trends of astronautical and defense simulation.