有关流行性出血热典型病例及治疗方案,在江苏省召开的“流行出血热”多次会议中,兄弟医院交流了较多的资料。但不典型的或有并发症者,其早期诊断较为困难,亦易于其他疾病所混淆。兹将我院近二年来收治病例中,不典型的六例介绍如下:一、因畏寒发热、上腹疼痛、血压降低——诊断为胆道系感染、感染性休克而入院。例1 患者顾××,男,49岁,干部,住院号:8763。因畏寒发热四天,上腹痛三天,于1976年3月14
For the typical cases and treatment options of epidemic hemorrhagic fever, in the meeting of “epidemic haemorrhagic fever” held in Jiangsu Province, Brother Hospital exchanged more information. But atypical or complications, its early diagnosis is more difficult, but also easily confused with other diseases. I will hospital for nearly two years of admitted cases, atypical six cases are as follows: First, due to chills and fever, abdominal pain, lower blood pressure - diagnosis of biliary tract infection, septic shock and admission. Case 1 patients Gu × ×, male, 49 years old, cadres, hospital number: 8763. Fever for four days because of chills, abdominal pain for three days, in March 1976 1976