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电影《阿凡达》通过瑰丽磅礴的文化探寻,将被现代性所打压的深厚文化资源成功转化为巨大的生产资本。随着传统物质经济逐渐转向后现代性的非物质的符号经济,神话思维这一古老的原型模式因其丰富的符号性和叙事性得到重新复兴的历史契机和发展机遇。具有强烈原始主义倾向的《阿凡达》促使观众深刻反思、重新审视神话思维中蕴含的壮烈豪迈的诗情、妙趣横生的诗性想象和取法自然的诗性智慧。浪漫诗性的神话思维与严谨实证的理性思维并立互补,在电影中实现和解、形成联通,共同构成了一幅治愈现代性危机的认知模式,给扭曲变形的审美艺术提供起死回生的希望和原动力,指引人类文明走向人与自然宇宙、心理与生理精神和谐的理想生活。 The movie “Avatar” explores the deep culture resources suppressed by modernity into enormous productive capital through magnificent and magnificent cultural exploration. With the traditional material economy turning to the immaterial symbolic economy of postmodernity, the ancient archetypal model of mythical thinking has been rekindled by its rich symbolic and narrative nature and opportunity of development. The “Avatar” with a strong pro-primitive tendency prompted the audience to reflect deeply and re-examine the heroic and heroic poem contained in mythical thinking, the entertaining poetic imagination and the natural poetic wisdom. Romantic poetic mythical thinking and rigorous empirical rational thinking are complementary and complement each other in the film to achieve reconciliation and the formation of China Unicom, together constitute a cognitive model to heal the crisis of modernity, distorting the aesthetic art to provide hope and motivation to revive , Guide human civilization toward man and the natural universe, the ideal life of the psychological and physical spirit of harmony.