温柔的美女看多了也会腻,于是《尚篮》的美九部落,这次为你推荐一位另类的美女。这位曾自称是“男人婆”的美眉,以她叛逆率性的性格与温柔美眉们划清界限,她就是朋克精灵——艾薇儿。艾薇儿全名:Avril Lavigne生日:1984年9月27日出生地:加拿大安大略省.纳帕尼镇爱好:滑板、唱歌、冰球量喜欢的食物:Pizza最喜欢的颜色:红色和黑色NBA的赛场边.响起了一首旋律极棒的背景音乐.这时候你一定会很好奇.这么好听的歌曲是谁唱的?一位身高不足160厘米并长得酷似小精灵的加拿大美眉.
Gentle beauty to see more will be tired, so “basket” of the United States and the nine tribes, this time for you to recommend an alternative beauty. The man who once claimed to be a “man-in-law” cried out the boundaries of her disobedience and meekness, and she was the Punk Elves-Avril children. Avril Lavigne Birthday: September 27, 1984 Place of birth: Ontario, Canada. Napani town Hobbies: skateboarding, singing, hockey volume favorite food: Pizza favorite color: red and black NBA side of the game. A very melodic background music is sounded, and you will be curious at this time. Who sings such a nice song? A Canadian crush, less than 160 cm tall and resembling an elf.