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2013年7月4日,我会曾宪成理事长接待了中向国际有限公司(以下简称“中向国际”)董事长朱锐和总经理谭钧的访问,办公室、会员部有关人员参加。谭总首先对“中向国际”印尼资源勘探、木本泥炭在农业领域的应用、露天矿项目等情况作了详细汇报;双方就腐植酸肥料的发展前景进行了深入交流。曾理事长指出,目前,我国土壤面 On July 4, 2013, President Zeng Xiancheng hosted the visit of Zhu Rui, general manager of China International Limited (hereinafter referred to as “China International Limited”) and Tan Jun, general manager of the company, and the relevant personnel from the office and the member department attended the meeting. Tan first made a detailed report on the exploration of resource exploration in Indonesia, the application of woody peat in agriculture and the open-pit mine project. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on the development prospects of humic acid fertilizers. President once pointed out that at present, China’s soil surface
余 群(口述) 涂宏伟(整理)    我是新四军的一位老兵,在如今和平美好的日子里,还是会时时想起抗日战争年代和美国一位飞行员友好相处的一段日子。  我叫余群,是湖北省老河口市离休干部。我1928年4月4日出生于湖北省应山县,父母早亡,自幼过着流离失所的生活,先靠给人家当学徒维生,后靠乞讨度日。13岁那年,经舅舅家指点,找到了已在新四军工作的同母异父的哥哥,1941年8月,他介绍我参加了新四军第五