AGFA Drystar5302型干式胶片打印机,当打印过程启动,上片库抓片器抓片时摩擦力不足导致卡片。为增加卷片摩擦力,将抓片器吸盘卷片轴上中间的3个滚轮(图1)换成更大直径的滚轮,克服因胶片变形导致的传送装置卡片现象。从设备中取出上片库抓片器,拆卸4个十字螺钉,将传动架从上片库抓片器组件中分离。卸下卷片轴(轴上有两个黑色、5个白色滚
AGFA Drystar5302 dry film printer, when the printing process is started, the film grabber grab the film when the lack of friction caused the card. In order to increase the friction of the winding roll, replace the three rollers (Fig. 1) in the center of the film take-up reel winding shaft with larger diameter rollers to overcome the phenomenon of the conveyor card caused by the deformation of the film. Remove the upper magazine grabber from the machine, remove the 4 Phillips screws and separate the carriage from the upper magazine grabber assembly. Remove the take-up spool (two black, five white rolls on the shaft