加入世贸组织 ,我国建筑业企业不仅要面对怎样“固守”国内市场 ,更要考虑怎样走出去 ,开拓市场。文章阐述了中国“入世”前建筑业国际工程承包情况及“入世”后建筑业国际工程承包外延的扩大和有关情况 ,并提出应对“入世”国际工程承包中信息管理措施。
Joining the WTO, China’s construction industry companies not only have to face how to “stick to” the domestic market, but also consider how to go out and open up markets. The article elaborated on the international project contracting of construction industry before China’s accession to the WTO and the expansion and related conditions of the international project contracting extension of the construction industry after China’s accession to the WTO, and put forward measures to deal with the information management measures in the international project contracting of China’s accession to the WTO.