
来源 :北京实验动物科学与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzdlily_7000
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继1989年10月在我所实验动物中心普通级Wistar鼠中发现一雄性脑积水幼鼠之后,1990年9月又在该鼠群中发现一窝三只脑积水幼鼠,遂将此窝内其他表型正常鼠育成基础种鼠群,并以此作为Fo代动物,于同年的11月19日开始建立此模型的近交育种研究。经过一年多的试繁与选育,仔代脑积水发生率从始发代的1.9%上升到17.O%,累积获得脑积水动物44只,其中雄性19只,雌性25只,雄雌之比为0.8:1。由于该性状系受隐性、致死基因控制,故建立了以“P×O”为辅助系统,“b×s”为主系统的育种保种方法。此脑积水动物的生物学特征为:最早发现为1日龄,最早死亡日龄为<20日龄。早期表现为脑部隆起肿大成泡状,生长发育较同窝正常鼠稍缓慢,之后随着日龄的增加,病情加重,脑部隆起更甚,体消瘦,被毛杂乱竖立,弓背,目光呆滞无神,肛门及腹面常不清洁,严重者步伐不稳,四肢麻痹,侧卧于宠底,常出现阵发性颤抖,直至衰竭死亡。此脑积水为生理性自发,与人类脑积水相似,且孕期短,窝(代)发生率较高,脑标本体积较大,可望成为又一理想的研究人类脑积水的动物模型。 Following the discovery of a male hydrocephalocyte in a normal grade Wistar rat in our laboratory in October 1989, a nest of three hydrocephalus pups was found again in this rat population in September 1990, In the nest other normal phenotypes breed the basal mouse population, and use it as Fo generation animal, in the same year on November 19 to establish this model inbred breeding study. After more than a year of trial and breeding and breeding, the incidence of subclinical hydrocephalus increased from 1.9% of the original generation to 17%. O%, accumulatively obtained 44 hydrocephalus animals, including 19 males and 25 females, the ratio of male to female was 0.8: 1. Because this trait is controlled by the recessive and lethal genes, a method of breeding and breeding with “P × O” as assistant system and “b × s” as the main system has been established. The biological characteristics of this hydrocephalus were: first found at 1 day old, the earliest day of death <20 days of age. Early manifestations of the swelling of the brain bulge into a bubble, the growth and development than normal littermates slowly, then with the increase of age, aggravating, swelling of the brain even worse, body weight loss, hairs erected, bow, eyes Sluggish, anus and ventral surface often unclean, in severe cases instability, paralysis of the limbs, lying on the bottom, often paroxysmal trembling, until the failure of death. This hydrocephalus physiological spontaneous and similar to human hydrocephalus, and pregnancy short, higher incidence of nest (generation), larger brain samples, is expected to be another ideal animal model of human hydrocephalus .
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